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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

The Most Efficient Way to Fire Damage Restoration in Wheeling

11/9/2018 (Permalink)

When fire damage affects your home, some items will need replacement but many simply need to be restored. Contact SERVPRO for remediation services.

Restoring Your Wheeling Home’s Contents Following a Fire

While preserving your Wheeling home’s structural integrity during a disaster might be a priority for every homeowner when possible, protecting the contents of the property often is more important still. These collected items, furniture, heirlooms, and keepsakes define the life you have lived and built in the house that you own. When a fire breaks out, you want to know that someone can protect these items and restore them to their original conditions if need be.

Fire damages can affect your Wheeling property in multiple ways. For preserving and restoring the contents of your home, the most common contributors to the damage of these items is soot and smoke. These effects are among the most widespread from fire and require specialized equipment and focused cleaning efforts to overcome. Preserving the at-risk items begins with the pack-out process from our SERVPRO Contents Department.

Pack-outs involve a specific team of our SERVPRO technicians that remove at-risk or damaged items from your home and take them to a safe and clean location. Often, this location is our local warehouse. We can focus our efforts on each item individually to catalog damages and work to restore each item to its original condition. This process can also serve to provide your insurance company the necessary information they need regarding a loss record and complete the estimation figures.

Once the steps have been taken to restore the home, including reconstruction or remodeling in areas substantially affected by the blaze, these items can get returned to where they once were. During their time with our professionals, you can have an accurate inventory available for where your contents are and what is happening to them while the home gets restored.

While many effects can result from a fire in your home, the damage to the contents of your property is a focal point for homeowners. Knowing that our mitigation efforts not only work to preserve what can get salvaged from the structure of your house, but also the contents therein, you can appreciate the need for professional restoration that our SERVPRO of Buffalo Grove / Lake Zurich team can provide. Give us a call today at (847) 279-1940.

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